最近在读Kent Beck的《Test-Driven Development By Example》,让我对软件开发有了新的认识。
- The Money Example
- The xUnit Example
- Patterns for Test-Driven Development
My goal is for you to see the rhythm of Test-Driven Development (TDD), which can be summed up as follows.
- Quickly add a test.
- Run all tests and see the new one fail.
- Make a little change.
- Run all tests and see them all succeed.
- Refactor to remove duplication.
The surprises are likely to include.
- How each test can cover a small increment of functionality.
- How small and ugly the changes can be to make the new tests run.
- How often the tests are run.
- How many teensy-weensy steps make up the refactorings.
书中引入了很多影像图(Influence Diagram),很形象的说明了,引入TDD能给我们日常的开发工作引入什么好处。
This is a positive feedback loop.
- The more stress you feel, the less testing you will do.
- The less testing you do, the more errors you will make.
- The more errors you make, the more stress you feel.
- Rinse and repeat.
I never knew exactly how to achieve high cohesion and loose coupling regularly until I started writing isolated tests.
Before you begin, write a list of all the tests you know you will have to write.
- Put on the list examples of every operation that you know you need to implement. 要哪些操作。
- for those operations that don’t already exist, put the null version of that operation on the list.哪些操作没实现,写上存根。
- List all of the refactorings that you think you will have to do in order to have clean code at the end of this session. 完成之后,列出需要重构的地方。而如果有大的重构的需要时,放到later list里面,把手里的事情处理完,再去处理大的重构。
看作者时刻在强调TDD就是tiny steps:
The pure form of TDD, wherein you are never more than one change away from a green bar, is like that three-out-of-four rule.
答:在写code之前,因为一旦你开始写code,你可能就身陷泥潭,无暇顾及test case了。
Each test should represent one step toward your overall goal.
1.Reducer r= new Reducer(new Polygon());
2.assertEquals(0, reducer.result().npoints);
不太懂这个问题,不过可以从中看出作者对TDD的解释。问题本身是要解一个降低多边形边数的问题。作者的启动测试就是一个“0”边多边形,那结果一定是”0”边多边形。对实际意义很荒诞,但对测试来说是一个不错的开始。符合我们的预期,简单而且又represent one step toward your overall goal
这一章是在说如何不用强迫的手段让非TDD的团队成员能转向TDD。当开发者向你解释他的程序时,你都可以将之转化为test case。
If you’re a manager or a leader, you can’t force anyone to change the way they work.
What can you do? A simple start is to start asking for explanations in terms of test cases: “Let me see if I understand what you’re saying.
—— 百度百科
Shower Methodology:If you know what to type, then type. If you don’t know what to type, then take a shower, and stay in the shower until you know what to type.
TDD Rule: If you don’t know what to type, then Fake It. If the
right design still isn’t clear, then Triangulate.
- At the scale of hours, keep a water bottle by your keyboard so that biology provides the motivation for regular breaks.
- At the scale of a day, commitments after regular work hours can help you to stop when you need sleep before progress.
- At the scale of a week, weekend commitments help get your conscious, energysucking thoughts off work. (My wife swears I get my best ideas on Friday evening.)
- At the scale of a year, mandatory vacation policies help you refresh yourself completely. The French do this right—two contiguous weeks of vacation aren’t enough. You spend the first week decompressing, and the second week getting ready to go back to work. Therefore, three weeks, or better four, are necessary for you to be your most effective the rest of the year.
What do you do when you are feeling lost? Throw away the code and start over.
How do you test an object that relies on an expensive or complicated resource? Create a fake version of the resource that answers constants.
If you want to use Mock Objects, you can’t easily store expensive resources in global variables.要记得清理现场,否则万一其他的代码把他当作真的object在使用,就会出大问题。所以编码最基本的准则是少用全局变量。
Mock Objects encourage you down the path of carefully considering the visibility of every object, reducing the coupling in your designs. 这里说的是,如果你用Mock Object,你就要思考我到底该不该把这个庞然大物暴露给这段代码。这种思考有助于减小耦合性。
How do you test that one object communicates correctly with another? Have the object under test communicate with the test case instead of with the object it expects.
Without Self Shunt
1.# ResultListenerTest
2.def testNotification(self):
3. result= TestResult()
4. listener= ResultListener()
5. result.addListener(listener)
6. WasRun("testMethod").run(result)
7. assert 1 == listener.count
9.# ResultListener
10.class ResultListener:
11. def __init__(self):
12. self.count= 0
13. def startTest(self):
14. self.count= self.count + 1
With Self Shunt
1.# ResultListenerTest
2.def testNotification(self):
3. self.count= 0
4. result= TestResult()
5. result.addListener(self)
6. WasRun("testMethod").run(result)
7. assert 1 == self.count
8.def startTest(self):
9. self.count= self.count + 1
这里举得例子不是很明白。中文译本里,将self shunt翻译成自分流,感觉也是字面翻译。我理解这里想说的是,不一定要定义一个类来做当前被测试类来做的事情,可以在test case里面用该类暴露的接口来做事情。
Self Shunt may require that you use Extract Interface to get an interface to implement. You will have to decide whether extracting the interface is easier, or if testing the existing class as a black box is easier.
这里又看晕了,self shunt跟extract interface有啥关系。
当我们注意到在我们代码结构中超过一个类使用到另一个特殊类中的同一个方法时,此时应该将该类中的方法提取出来放到一个接口(interface)中,并对外提供这个接口以便被用户类访问、使用,这样有利于打破原来多个类与这个特殊类的依赖关系。这个重构手法很容易实现,更重要的是这样做有利于松耦合。 ——网络上的解释
我觉得这里作者提到的extract interface,并不是我们说的重构里的extract interface。这里说要测试A类和B类通信,我们不直接用B类,而用test case与A类通信,以测试通信的A类端接口是否正确。extract interface说的是从B类中extract接口出来到test case中去implement。或者把B类直接当黑盒子在test case中使用。
这个很有用。有些函数或者过程是没有返回值的,我们就可以用Log String的方式来查看该过程或函数有没有被调用。类似我们看trace log一样,通过看trace log能知道机器执行的代码是否正确。
How do you test error code that is unlikely to be invoked? Invoke it anyway with a special object that throws an exception instead of doing real work.
How do you leave a programming session when you’re programming alone? Leave the last test broken.
You will occasionally find a test broken in the integration suite when you try to check in. What to do?
The simplest rule is to just throw away your work and start over. The broken test is pretty strong evidence that you didn’t know enough to program what you just programmed.
I only use Triangulation when I’m really, really unsure about the correct abstraction for the calculation. Otherwise I rely on either Obvious Implementation or Fake It.
How do you implement an operation that works with collections of objects? Implement it without the collections first, then make it work with collections.
1.// 1. fake code
2.public void testSum() {
3. assertEquals(5, sum(5));
5.private int sum(int value) {
6. return value;
9.// 2. add arrays
10.public void testSum() {
11. assertEquals(5, sum(5, new int[] {5}));
13.private int sum(int value, int[] values) {
14. return value;
17.// 3. add real sum functionality
18.public void testSum() {
19. assertEquals(5, sum(5, new int[] {5}));
21.private int sum(int value, int[] values) {
22. int sum= 0;
23. for ( int i= 0; i<values.length; i++)
24. sum += values[i];
25. return sum;
28.// 4. delete unnecessary code
29.public void testSum() {
30. assertEquals(5, sum(new int[] {5}));
32.private int sum( int[] values) {
33. int sum= 0;
34. for (int i= 0; i<values.length; i++)
35. sum += values[i];
36. return sum; sum;
How do you check that tests worked correctly?
Write boolean expressions that automate your judgment about whether the code worked.
- test case类定义中抽象出类似setUp的函数,来做重复的工作
- 或者用类似代码生成器的东西来为所有需要的测试生成fixture
在所有测试开始前调setUp,所有测试结束后调tearDown。这就是External Fixture
1./* Adding to tuple spaces. */
2./* Taking from tuple spaces. */
3./** Taking a non-existent tuple. **/
4./** Taking an existing tuple. **/
5./** Taking multiple tuples. **/
6./* Reading from tuple space. */
1.public void testMissingRate() {
2. try {
3. exchange.findRate("USD", "GBP");
4. fail(); // 如果没抛异常就fail
5. } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
6. }
How do you run all tests together? Make a suite of all the suites—one for each package, and one aggregating the package tests for the whole application.
1.public class AllTests {
2. // 这里有个main,方便直接调用程序开始测试
3. public static void main(String[] args) {
4. junit.swingui.TestRunner.run(AllTests.class);
5. }
6. // 这里有个suite包含了所有test case
7. public static Test suite() {
8. TestSuite result= new TestSuite("TFD tests");
9. result.addTestSuite(MoneyTest.class);
10. result.addTestSuite(ExchangeTest.class);
11. result.addTestSuite(IdentityRateTest.class);
12. return result;
13. }
What do you do when you need the invocation of a computation to be more complicated than a simple method call?
Make an object for the computation and invoke it.
When implementing a Value Object, every operation has to return a fresh object,
All Value Objects have to implement equality
1.public boolean setReadOnly() {
2. SecurityManager guard = System.getSecurityManager();
3. if (guard != null) { ) {
4. guard.canWrite(path);
5. }
6. return fileSystem.setReadOnly(this);
Null Object设计模式就是让getSecurityManager返回一个特殊的object来取代Null,这样让所有的操作都统一,以减少重复代码。
When you find two variants of a sequence in two subclasses, you need to gradually move them closer together. Once you’ve extracted the parts that are different from other methods, what you are left with is the Template Method.
1.// TestCase
2.public void runBare() throws Throwable {
3. setUp();
4. try {
5. runTest();
6. }
7. finally {
8. tearDown();
9. }
1.// Without Pluggable Object
2.Figure selected;
3.public void mouseDown() {
4. selected= findFigure();
5. if (selected != null) // 到处是null判断
6. select(selected);
8.public void mouseMove() {
9. if (selected != null)
10. move(selected);
11. else
12. moveSelectionRectangle();
14.public void mouseUp() {
15. if (selected == null)
16. selectAll();
19.// With Pluggable Object
20.SelectionMode mode;
21.public void mouseDown() {
22. selected= findFigure();
23. // 全部归结到mode子类里面去处理
24. if (selected != null)
25. mode= SingleSelection(selected);
26. else
27. mode= MultipleSelection();
29.public void mouseMove() {
30. mode.mouseMove();
32.public void mouseUp() {
33. mode.mouseUp();
1.void print() {
2. Method runMethod= getClass().getMethod(printMessage, null);
3. runMethod.invoke(this, new Class[0]);
看到了没getClass,getMethod,这就是反射。有了这个函数既不需要switch来调用不同的printxxx函数(printHtml, printXml…),也不需要定义子类来调用不同的print函数。
Pluggable Selector can definitely be overused. The biggest problem with it is tracing code to see whether a method is invoked. Use Pluggable Selector only when you are cleaning up a fairly straightforward situation in which each of a bunch of subclasses has only one method.
1.public void testMultiplication() {
2. Dollar five= Dollar five= new Dollar(5);
3. assertEquals(new Dollar(10), five.times(2));
4. assertEquals(new Dollar(15), five.times(3));
7.public void testMultiplication() {
8. Dollar five = Money.dollar(5); // 工厂方法
9. assertEquals(new Dollar(10), five.times(2));
10. assertEquals(new Dollar(15), five.times(3));
12.// Money
13.static Dollar dollar( Dollar dollar(int amount) {
14. return new Dollar(amount);
You have to remember that the method is really creating an object, even though it doesn’t look like a constructor. Use Factory Method only when you need the flexibility it creates.
1.// 下面这两段代码就只是将RectangleFigure换成OvalFigure,此是为Imposter冒名顶替。
2.testRectangle() {
3. Drawing d= new Drawing();
4. d.addFigure(new RectangleFigure(0, 10, 50, 100)); RectangleFigure(0, 10, 50, 100));
5. RecordingMedium brush= new RecordingMedium();
6. d.display(brush);
7. assertEquals("rectangle 0 10 50 100\n", brush.log());
10.testOval() {
11. Drawing d= new Drawing();
12. d.addFigure(new OvalFigure(0, 10, 50, 100));
13. RecordingMedium brush= new RecordingMedium();
14. d.display(brush);
15. assertEquals("oval 0 10 50 100\n", brush.log());
作者还提到另外两个在重构中经常用到的设计模式,本质其实就是Imposter —— Null Object & Composite。
How do you implement an object whose behavior is the composition of the behavior of a list of other objects? Make it an Imposter for the component objects.
1.// Transaction
2.Transaction(Money value) {
3. this.value= value;
5.// Account
6.Transaction transactions[];
7.Money balance() {
8. Money sum= Money.zero();
9. for (int i= 0; i < transactions.length; i++)
10. sum= sum.plus(transactions[i].value);
11. return sum;
1.Holding holdings[];
2.Money balance() {
3. Money sum= Money.zero();
4. for ( (int i= 0; i < holdings.length; i++)
5. sum= sum.plus(holdings[i].balance());
6. return sum;
OvreallAccount <- Account <- Transactions
OverallAccount <- Holding & Account <-Holding
As is obvious from this discussion, I’m still not able to articulate how to guess when a collection of objects is just a collection of objects and when you really have a Composite. The good news is, since you’re getting good at refactoring, the moment the duplication appears, you can introduce Composite and watch program complexity disappear.
这个就是很著名的单例模式,经常会用到。作者没有详加阐释,只是告诫读者不要用全局变量(global variable)。我猜作者的意思是,如果要用全局变量,就用单例模式的类对象吧。
- How do you unify two similar looking pieces of code? Gradually bring them closer. Unify them only when they are absolutely identical. 不要强制整合,等他们完全相等了再说
- Such a leap-of-faith refactoring is exactly what we’re trying to avoid with our strategy of small steps and concrete feedback. Although you can’t always avoid leapy refactorings, you can reduce their incidence. 不要做跨越式的重构。
- Sometimes you need to approach reconciling differences backward—that is, think about how the last step of the change could be trivial, then work backward. 反向思考,尽量让每一步都非常小(trivial),这样方便回退。
Some possible ways to isolate change are Extract Method (the most common), Extract Object, and Method Object.
How do you make a long, complicated method easier to read? Turn a small part of it into a separate method and call the new method. 将一个大函数打碎,从中提取一些方法出来。
- Find a region of the method that would make sense as its own method. Bodies of
loop, whole loops, and branches of conditionals are common candidates for extraction. - Make sure that there are no assignments to temporary variables declared outside the
scope of the region to be extracted. - Copy the code from the old method to the new method. Compile it.
- For each temporary variable or parameter of the original method used in the new
method, add a parameter to the new method. - Call the new method from the original method.
- 增强可读性
- 消除重复,当你发现有两个大函数,有一部分是相同的,那就可以提取出来称为新的方法。
- 通过inline把一堆函数放在一起,然后看看哪里可以extract (这一点我感觉应该放在How里面,作者是想承上启下,将inline吧)
You might like the second version better, or you might not. The point to note here is that you can use Inline Method to play around with the flow of control.
- Declare an interface. Sometimes the name of the existing class should be the name of the interface, in which case you should first rename the class.
- Have the existing class implement the interface.
- Add the necessary methods to the interface, expanding the visibility of the methods in the class if necessary.
- Change type declarations from the class to the interface where possible.
- 当你需要抽象出父类时
- 当你用了Mock Object,现在要为这个mock object抽象出一个真正的接口时。作者这里提到了一个小技巧,在这种情况下命名是一个头疼的问题。不妨就把新的interface称为IXXX,例如,原来的叫
- Create an object with the same parameters as the method.
- Make the local variables also instance variables of the object.
- Create one method called run(), whose body is the same as the body of the original method.
- In the original method, create a new object and invoke run().
- 在添加复杂逻辑的时候,如果有对一个过程有多种方法,那创建一个方法对象,再扩展起来就很简单
- 在一个复杂函数里extract interface的时候,通常一段code需要5,6个参数,这样的话,虽然函数抽取出来了,但是写法并没有简化多少。这时候如果有方法对象,则在类里面是一个独立的名字空间,会提供额外的便利。
If you pass the same parameter to several different methods in the same object, then you can simplify the API by passing the parameter once (eliminating duplication). You can run this refactoring in reverse if you find that an instance variable is used in only one method.
Unless you have reason to distrust it, don’t test code from others.
“Write tests until fear is transformed into boredom.”
- Long setup code. 如果为了做一个简单的测试,可能只有几行断言,而为此创建一个巨大的对象,那说明哪里肯定出问题了。
- Setup duplication. 如果你发现有几个测试拥有相同或相似的setup代码,那说明你的测试中有重复的地方。
- Long running tests. TDD tests that run a long time won’t be run often. Suites that take longer than ten minutes
inevitably get trimmed. 一个测试套件不要超过十分钟。否则,反复运行的机会就会急剧降低。 - Fragile tests. Tests that break unexpectedly suggest that one part of the application is surprisingly affecting another part. 如果测试被无情打断,说明你的程序里有耦合。
TDD appears to stand this advice on its head: “Code for tomorrow, design for today.” Here’s what happens in practice. 不要为未来考虑那么多,简单的让测试通过,然后及时的做重构消除重复,反而能达到更好的设计框架(frameworks)。
If our knowledge of the implementation gives us confidence even without a test, then we will not write that test.
- The first criterion for your tests is confidence. Never delete a test if it reduces your confidence in the behavior of the system.
- The second criterion is communication. If you have two tests that exercise the same path through the code, but they speak to different scenarios for a reader, leave them alone.
There is a whole book (or books) to be written about switching to TDD when you have lots of code. What follows is necessarily only a teaser.
- So first we have to decide to limit the scope of our changes.
- Second, we have to break the deadlock between tests and refactoring.
- 怎么获得feedback
1) We can get feedback other ways than with tests, like working very carefully and with a partner.
2) We can get feedback at a gross level, like system-level tests that we know aren’t adequate but give us some confidence. With this feedback, we can make the areas we have to change more accepting of change.
名词解释:Extreme Programming - XP极限编程
- Pairing
- Work fresh
- Continuous integration
- Simple design
- Refactoring
- Continuous delivery